Montessori Method of Education

Dr. Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952) was the first woman in Italy to earn a medical degree. Early in her career, while pursuing studies in anthropology and human development, she became fascinated with the learning potential of young children. After years of observation and research in the field, she formulated her theories of child development and designed specific didactic and self-correcting materials for the child’s use. These are commonly referred to as Montessori Materials. They assist children in absorbing fundamental concepts for language and mathematical development while allowing them to explore history, geography and elements of the culture in which they live.



“Education is a natural process carried out by the human individual, and is acquired not just by listening to words, but also by experiences in the environment.”
Maria Montessori

Celebrate the Montessori Century

The year 2007 marked the 100th anniversary of Montessori education. A global presence for over a century, the Montessori method of education has enriched countless lives in schools around the world. Beautifully prepared classroom environments, a rich interdisciplinary curriculum and an emphasis on development of the whole child within a matrix of Peace Education sets Montessori apart.

Montessori consciously designs social communities and educational experiences that cultivate the child’s sense of independence, self-respect, love of peace, passion for self-chosen work done well and the ability to respect and celebrate the individual spirit within people of all ages.